

Working on laptop photo

Industry Leaders

With decades of combined industry experience, we recognized the benefits of Bazel early on, and are excited about the possibilities this innovative build tool has to offer.


Technical Experts

We have worked directly with Google on the development of Bazel rules, and can use this firsthand, deep level of technical expertise to help your organization migrate to using Bazel quickly and seamlessly.

Google building
Tristan Foureur photo
Tristan Foureur

We felt intimidated by Bazel at first, but Aspect accompanied us in implementing it in our TypeScript monorepo. We've drastically reduced our overall CI pipeline time from an hour to 7 minutes while making the tooling easy to use for our engineering team.

Meet our team

Alex Eagle
Alex Eagle

Alex is passionate about developer productivity via toolchain ergonomics, refined developer experience, and expert tooling. He is a world-class expert in Bazel and well known throughout the Bazel community. Alex has presented a number of different talks on Bazel, Angular, and Google Cloud Platform at conferences such as AngularMIX, ng-conf and BazelCon.

Since graduating Magna cum Laude in computer science from Harvard in 2001, Alex has made many important contributions to open source and Bazel, including migrating the Angular project to TypeScript, making TypeScript an official Google language and migrating Angular to Build&Test with Bazel. He also added JavaScript support to the Bazel build tool, which allowed development of Web and Node.js server apps.

While working at Google Alex wrote the Angular support used both internally and publicly and wrote the public version of JavaScript plugin (rules), including Node.js runtime, TypeScript compilation, and serving and testing integration. Alex also led Google-scale infrastructure to run continuous integration for nearly all Google projects and GUI to show all build and test results.

In his free time Alex enjoys hiking through the redwoods and making pancake breakfasts for his family.

Alex Eagle
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Founder & CEO
Greg Magolan
Greg Magolan

Greg is a core maintainer of the Node.js Bazel rules. He has a passion for developing simple, robust and maintainable architectural solutions to complex software problems. Greg has worked with the Angular team at Google to improve their build times and DX using Bazel and on the official Angular Bazel rules.

In his free time Greg enjoys rock-climbing, hiking, skiing and spending time with his family.

Greg Magolan
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Founder & Principle Engineer
Jenny Magolan
Jenny Magolan

Jenny is in charge of managing business operations, implementing the company’s business development and marketing strategies, and managing business finances. She is engaged in building and managing client relationships and conducting market research in order to develop and implement the strategic goals of the company. Jenny earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Winnipeg where she received the University Silver Medal for the Second Highest Standing in Business and Economics.

Jenny Magolan
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Founder & Operations Manager
Matt Mackay
Matt Mackay

Matt is an active maintainer of the Node.js Bazel rules. He enjoys learning new technologies and making things work.

Previously as a Technical Lead for Evertz Microsystems, Matt led the DevEx team in building large, enterprise scale codebases with CI / CD processes, using technologies such as Bazel, Jenkins and Gradle. He is also experienced in building frontend applications using Angular and Typescript.

Matt Mackay
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Senior Engineer
Thulio Assis
Thulio Assis

Thulio is a passionate software engineer who loves to help other engineers to achieve their goals. Formerly at SUSE Linux, Thulio bootstrapped and served as a team lead of the KubeCF project in the Cloud Foundry Foundation and is currently a maintainer of the Minibroker project in the Kubernetes SIGs organization. Thulio is knowledgeable about a broad range of subjects related to the Cloud and how to make other engineers’ lives easier.

Thulio Assis
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Senior Engineer

We go the distance

We work remotely with companies around the world to help them successfully migrate to Bazel.

Get in touch